For a one-time ready-made vacation itinerary
per vacation booking
We create your perfect vacation with points
Detailed step-by-step instructions on
how to book the best flights and hotels
Up to 5 passengers included per booking
(Others charge $200 per passenger!)
UNLIMITED revisions until trip is booked
25% discount for Million Miler clients ($147)
For vacations, honeymoons & digital nomads
per month (cancel anytime)
Done-for-you card application schedule
(e.g. click the exact links we provide)
Earn 120K to 300K+ points per 90 days
(e.g. 1,000,000+ points in 18 months)
1 honeymoon-style Vacation Booking
($20,000+ retail value w/ flights + hotels)
UNLIMITED email + forum support
Access to ALL products + templates
(EXCEPT Vacation Blueprints Library)
For frequent travelers with big mile balances
per month (cancel anytime)
The Million Miler Service PLUS....
1 Vacation Booking included per month
(e.g. ready-made itinerary for every trip)
Weekly Group Calls w/ Trevor (fun, optional)
UNLIMITED Private Community access
(+ access to Vacation Blueprints Library)
Dedicated Slack channel for fast responses
For a one-time ready-made vacation itinerary
per vacation booking
We create your perfect vacation with points
Detailed step-by-step instructions on
how to book the best flights and hotels
Up to 5 passengers included per booking
UNLIMITED revisions until trip is booked
25% discount off Vacation Bookings
for Million Miler clients ($147 each)
You need a US Social Security Number and at least 700 credit scores.
Absolutely! Twice as many miles/points = twice as much free travel.
Use our form to submit trip info (4 mins), then we create an itinerary
Yes! Our clients book Business Class flights and 5-star hotels all the time.
30 mins per 90 days to apply for cards + minimal time to spend on cards.
Yes, we offer big discounts if you pay in full (vs. our monthly subscriptions).
No. MileMethod increases your credit scores (see testimonials here)
Yes, points can book flights and hotels to anywhere in the world.
Day 1 if you have points. New bonuses are available as soon as Day 32.
Points don't expire or can be extended (instructions provided if necessary).
Every client who completes an 18-month service will earn 1M+ points.
By Month 18 we'll have earned most all the best bonuses, which means you then stop applying for new cards. Now, you simply continue to downgrade and cancel cards per our schedule. Another 18 months later you'll be re-eligible to earn another 1M+ points. Want to earn more bonuses in the meantime? Your partner could start a service period to earn their own 1M+ points while you 'cool off' your applications.
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